Thursday, August 18, 2011

Michael Andrew Nielsen

Saya faham! Faham betul jika perpisahan adalah sebuah keniscayaan.

Tapi setiap kali hal itu datang di hidup saya, demi Tuhan, saya ingin sekali men-skip-nya. Saya ingin bersembunyi atau berlari agar si perpisahan itu tak akan pernah mengenal saya.

Dan kali ini, keniscayaan itu pun tak dapat tertolak. Di ruang cerita ini, saya ingin berbagi, menyampaikan kesedihan atas kepergian satu orang baik yang pernah saya kenal.

Saya sedih (jika tak ingin saya akui bahwa saya menyesal) atas kepergiannya. Karena selama dia ada, bekerja satu atap di kantor kami, saya hampir tak pernah berbuat baik, mungkin tepatnya tak bisa berbuat jujur untuk berkelakuan baik. Saya selalu bertampang masam, menghinanya di jejaring sosial, menyebutnya sebagai lelaki sensitif dsb.

Dan tibalah saat itu, saat ketika dia harus pergi, pergi jauh (bukan mati). Pulang ke negaranya yang terletak jauh ribuan mil dari sini. Ketika beberapa orang di kantor saya memilih menangisi kepergiannya, sebelum pertemuan terakhir itu, saya memilih memberanikan diri menigirimkan sebuah catatan di kotak emailnya :

"Do you know Abang? I’m still wishing that your decision about resignation was just the nightmare that won’t really happen when I wake up from my sleep. When we, all of staff, received the email from Alan that informed us about your resignation. No one of us weren’t sad. But I thougt that I was the one who had the worst feeling at the time. How I wasn’t?? I’ve just known you, not even for 6 months, then you’ve just said that u want to leave.

Do you know Abang? Honestly, You’re the best BULE that I’ve ever known. A moments ago, When I haven’t worked at EF, I’m the haters of BULE!! I thought that every BULE are rude, speak like they’re yelling, disrespectful and they don’t even care with each other, SELFISH! But you know? I never find that things on you abang. Yeaahh.. though you do often look so annoying with your perfectionist things while you do your work as a DOS :p

I’m so deeply sad Abang, Truly sad!! Since I joined in EF Pesanggrahan, one by one “my family” left me behind. Ibu Yoke, Lulu and now, its you!!
I definitely know, a separation is a certain thing. But one that really make me sad, that is happened in same time. Do you know how it feels, Abang? It feels like you lost the one part of your body. It hurts, right? So much hurts.

It will be so hard for me to imagine how it feels when I dialed 108 and there’s no more you pick up my call. When I through your office room at 3rd floor, and there’s no more you who sit there. No more BULE calls me “Mbak”, no more bule who calls “LOLA” or "LEBAY" to me, no more BULE with his stunning smile like yours (ah ya, except Peter Parker, I think!) And of course.. No more BULE who kindly give me a ride to the bus stop.

For many times, I have to realize that separation is a certain thing and one thing that might be make me and might be other staff easily to accept your decision is we all know that you will be happier with it.
Well, Always remember us Abang. Also Garang asem, tongseng ayam, dangdut music (which Kadir often plays in every morning) and always Indonesia for sure. Someday when you back here, remember that you still have our hearts, also remember that you’re still and always part of us. Our Pesanggrahan family. Stay in touch with sending a post card or email ya Abang. And I won’t close this letter with saying good bye.."